I will post our big project later. But for now let's turn our attention to the old walkway........
The photos don't even really do justice to how uneven and unsafe the walkway was.
We were going to tackle it ourselves since we are major do it yourself-ers. I would say we do 99% of our renovations and projects. Mostly by ourselves but sometimes with the help of our awesome friends :)
We have only hired people a couple of times and at our old house the one time was for our large patio and retaining wall. The guy that did it was really nice and he did a great job so we had him stop by to give us an estimate for our very sad driveway.
That was totally NOT in the budget now or in the future (unless we win the lottery). But he was interested in doing our walkway for a very reasonable price.
So what would have been a long project for us turned out to be a quick two day make-over. An who doesn't like a make-over????
TA - DA!!!!

Oh, it looks sooooo much better.
The brick were in good shape so we just had him re- lay them.
I forgot how awesome it is to have someone else do work on my house :)

I finally got to plant the ferns I brought from our old house.... they have been sitting in pots since last July :)
I think it makes a very nice garden spot. I will be moving that large rose bush all the way to the right to a better location in the spring. It is not in the best spot and has grown to be very lopsided. Not sure what I will put in it's place but I will keep you posted :)
Happy Gardening!