Sunday, March 30, 2014

NYC all Week....

So, I had to be in the city for the Home Textiles Market week all last week. Usually, I only have to go in for a couple meetings.... but this time they wanted me there all week for them all...... ugh ;)
It's nice to get to show the things that you've worked so hard designing to the industry but meetings all day for several days is rough ;)

On Thursday morning I finally got a couple hours to go to Macy's to check out what's new over there and also....... to check out the Macy's Flower Show!!

After a long winter it was nice to stop and smell the flowers for awhile......

 And check out this awesome lady....

I can't even imagine the man hours it took to assemble such amazing displays.....

And of course the outside windows were all decorated as well.....

Not the best photos as all I had was my phone and I was rushing through the store before work, but I think that since winter is reluctantly relinquishing it's grasp, any taste of spring is a welcome sight.

Take time to smell the flowers,